Category Archives: General

A Warm Hello

Greetings, dear friends and readers.  It is with great humility, thankfulness, and happiness that I write to you at long last.  The past few years have brought many challenges to us all, I am sure.  For me, my absence from this world of writing has been fraught with additional heart surgeries, redefining my career as an educator overnight from home with little to no resources initially, and fighting through depression in the wake of the multiple heart procedures I underwent.  I never thought that depression would be something I would battle, but I have come to learn that many heart patients have to work their way through this and accept their new ‘normal’ after doctors have worked all the magic they know to do with procedures and medications currently available.  To trust that their heart will continue to beat and that there is still much to accomplish, though some days you might have to take two steps back for every step you take forward.  Such has been the case for me, and I am finally at peace with navigating my ‘normal’ and accepting what I can physically do now.  I have learned that it is quite all right to walk sometimes, instead of run.

Through everything, Will has remained my steadfast supporter and truest friend, helping me navigate the changing landscape in my body and in my career.  We have joined our local Y, and both dedicated the time and effort needed to strengthen our bodies as much as we can to be prepared for whatever health challenges come our way.  This physical outlet has helped greatly in reclaiming my hope and optimism too, and I cannot thank him enough for working out alongside me and cheering me on as we both grew stronger, both outside and within.

At the beginning of this year, I began re-reading my previous Nephilim stories and what I had written for the start of Book 9 before I had to lay it all down and try to fight my way back to myself.  With each chapter I reviewed, I felt my voice returning and a lightness coming back to my soul that hasn’t been there for many, many months.  I can finally say, after endless prayers and private pleas to the Lord to help restore my confidence in myself as a writer, that the words are indeed flowing.  New chapters are coming, and I feel as though I can breathe once again in a way I haven’t in quite some time.  From the depths of utter self-doubt and sadness, hope has welled up in me again and I am giving it all the free rein I can.

I know now that I cannot work all day and write all night as I did before – my body simply won’t allow for that.  I am learning a new balance, to incorporate career, exercise, and writing, and it is working.  My goal is to finish writing Book 9 by the end of my school system’s summer break, edit during the fall, and have it ready for everyone in time for Christmas.

Will has shared many of your encouraging posts and prayerful messages over the months I’ve been away.  Truly, I haven’t felt emotionally strong enough to describe how I couldn’t find my writer’s voice or why the words weren’t coming anymore.  Some days, I felt nothing but shame when I would stare at a blinking cursor and not have one word to add to my next sentence.  But through faith, unending prayer, and the steadfast devotion of my husband, I am now closer to who I want to be as a person and writer than I have been in several years.  I am very thankful to be here yet another day, and to contribute with the gifts and talents that God has blessed me with.  I am most glad to be of service, for it is through Him that all things are possible, for me and for us all.

I will post again as I make progress through this summer and into the editing process.  Please keep us in your prayers, as so many of you have.  And thank you for forgiving me for losing myself a bit as I struggled to accept my new ‘normal.’ 




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Greetings and Update

Hello, readers and friends.  A huge thank you to everyone who has reached out of late with prayers, well-wishes, and inquiries about the progress of book 9 in the Children of Angels series.  Though I had sincerely hoped to have the novel completed by February, the story is not there yet, so I cannot give a firm release date.  As my dear friend Hope said to me on a day when I was stressed and extremely harried, sad too that I wasn’t yet finished with the tale, “All in God’s time, not yours.”  And she was right, though it is so hard to see readers waiting and know I’m not at the finish line yet.  Please keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming.  As soon as I do have a firm date for release, I will post it and let everyone know.  Take care and God bless!  Natalie


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Health Update & Thank You!

Hello and greetings, dear friends and readers.  It has been many, many months since I’ve ventured into the online world to touch base, but I am happy to say that the time felt right at last – both from a writer’s point of view and because I can impart positive health news.  First, let me share the good health news, because quite a few people have asked how I’m feeling and how are things on that front.

As many of you know, I took a break almost a year ago from writing and editing because I was facing a much more extensive surgical procedure to correct a heart condition I battled, after the first two surgeries I’d had proved unsuccessful.  Will and I traveled to Charleston last October and placed our faith in the hands of a uniquely skilled surgeon, who did indeed find areas within my heart which he then addressed during the procedure.  After six hours, the surgery seemed to be a promising success, but it was over two months later before I finally began to see a significant improvement in my day-to-day heart function and health.  During the last year, Will and I have also drastically changed our eating habits and exercise routine, and we’re much healthier today than we were at the start of this journey, thankfully.  I still face some minor heart issues, but I have faith that they can be managed now and that they are less of a threat than what I dealt with weekly, and sometimes daily, before the last surgery.

During my time away from computer, I also learned how to ‘just be’ again.  As silly as that sounds, the previous four and a half years were filled with me using any and all waking hours away from work writing on my laptop.  I had honestly forgotten how to relax and simply enjoy an outing to the store with Will, or how to sit and read someone else’s novel without feeling guilty.  You see, when I’m writing, reading another’s story is definitely off-limits because I don’t want to be influenced by another writer’s voice.  Thus, during my hiatus, I actually allowed myself to recline on the sofa and read, an activity which has always brought me great pleasure.

Now, though, I am much stronger physically, and I feel well-rested, both emotionally and spiritually.  I feel less drained, and I know the time to be creative has returned.  Alex and all her loved ones have been running through my imagination rampantly of late, and I am ready to complete her final two novels.

My goal is to finish writing Book 9 by Christmas of this this year.  That will leave me with the month of January and the beginning of February to complete the necessary editing each novel requires, and then place the book in your hands by late February/ early March.  I’ll then be writing Book 10, and I hope to have that out by Christmas of next year, thus ending the story I had originally envisioned for Alexandria.  Yes, I do plan to eventually write a novel focusing on Ahadi and one for Than, as I’ve mentioned before, but we’ll see what the future brings for their release dates.  Gotta write their stories first! 😊

As always, thank you to those who prayed for me and who reached out, even when I was far away from my computer and not checking any emails or social media.  Now that I’m wading back into those waters, your messages mean so much.  I knew, though, that your prayers were offered because I have felt buoyed and carried throughout this entire heart journey, which has stretched over several years now until things finally came to a head.  Know also that I will be checking in through email, the website, and through Facebook once more, so I’ll be able to respond now to questions or comments.

Thank you, again, friends, both near and far.  I look forward to placing the last bits of Alexandria’s tale into your hands and, hopefully, in your hearts, as well.

Be well, and God Bless!


Update Image


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A Special Message For My Readers

Hello, dear readers and friends. I know it’s been some time since I’ve last posted a message to you all, nor have I given you an update on future release dates for the upcoming Nephilim novels. Honestly, I was hesitant to do so until Will and I had a clear picture of my heart health after my second surgery last fall. We were trying to give my heart time to heal, and I was truthfully enjoying time just being with him, which meant that my writing slowed down significantly. In other words, I put Will and my health first, so writing took a back seat for a little while. As many of you already know, I work as a full-time media specialist with young students. This means writing happens most often for me in the evenings after work. Because of my health challenges, many evenings are spent resting from the day’s hectic schedule, and that was initially a tough adjustment for this writer.

Now we know our upcoming path and what lies before us to secure my health, so I knew it was time to give everyone an update. And thanks to your loving comments and requests for more stories, I didn’t want to leave you all in need of information that I can now, thankfully, provide.

Late last year, I decided to overcome my reluctance regarding discussing personal information, and I admitted that I was in need of prayer due to a heart issue that I had been battling for several years. I received nothing but positive, loving messages from everyone and I knew I was on many a prayer list, which soothed my soul more than I can say. As things came to a head, surgery seemed our only option to stop the struggle my heart was enduring. So, we proceeded – with two separate procedures over the last two years – but, regrettably, those surgeries did not solve the problem. My doctors recently conferred and decided that I needed to be in the hands of a heart surgeon who specializes in the hard to treat cases, though he is some distance away from us. Will and I were grateful for their willingness to place us in this doctor’s care, and we honestly laughed, because if you know anything about me, you know that if anything weird or uncommon can happen to a person, it’s going to happen to me. I thank God every day that I have a loving husband who can laugh with me when things might otherwise look dire. His humor helps to keep me moving forward.

So, at present, I am now five weeks away from a third surgery. Will and I have the utmost faith that this will be the final step necessary to stop my heart’s struggle and calm the storm it’s currently enduring far too frequently. Again, I ask for your prayers, your faith, and your hugs from afar – not just for me, but for Will and my family, too. We will overcome this, I have all faith.

Now to the Nephilim stories. First and foremost – thank you all for loving my characters as much as I love them. After spending five years of my life with them, I feel as though Alexandria, Gaius, Rohan, Jack, Lord Groaban and the others are as real as any other person you meet on the street. Each character has a story to tell, and I am by no means through telling them. I have penned roughly three hundred typed pages of book 9 thus far. It is my hope that after my upcoming surgery, I will be able to return to writing within a month. If so, then I perhaps book 9 will be in your hands next spring. If not, then I’ll aim for summer.

All along, I’ve known that Alex’s journey will end with book 10. I know what happens in the last scene on the last page, and we’re closing in on that final chapter for Alex. But, thankfully, there are other Nephilim who need their stories fleshed out so I will admit that I see a novel featuring Ahadi and, yes, one for Than, who I love every bit as much as our Nephilim of the Light. I love Than’s journey and his struggle for redemption, and I have a wonderful story in mind for him. You will see Alex, Gaius, Jack and the others interwoven in Ahadi’s and Than’s stories, much in the same way you did in Rohan’s Choice. I can’t wait to share them with you.

So, for now, know that there is indeed more to come. Pray for me as I pray for us all, and stick with me friends. There is so much ahead!

God Bless,

Natalie D. Wilson


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Augusta Literary Festival – March 4, 2017

I hope you will come out and join us at the 6th Annual Augusta Literary Festival on March 4th, 2017. There will be workshops and a large group of authors for you to meet and discover. FREE admission. I’d love to see you there!

Please visit the ALF site for more information.


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Friends Of The Library – 1/19/2017


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January 16, 2017 · 7:53 pm

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my friends and readers. I hope this holiday season has been one of peace and joy for all of you. I am recovering well from my recent surgery and thank everyone for continued prayers. I also want to wish everyone a safe and happy new year.



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Announcing: The Choice To Be Free – Children of Angels #8

thechoicetobefree_600x400Greetings, Friends and Readers! Today is a happy day for me and I hope for all of you because I have the great pleasure of announcing the release date for Book 8 in the Children of Angels series. The Choice To Be Free will be released Tuesday, December 27th, 2016. The ebook is available now for pre-order from all of the major retailers. For your convenience we have quick links in the listing under BOOKS above.

I was concerned that I wouldn’t get this one out to you before the new year due to an ongoing heart issue. I’m scheduled for a second surgery soon and I hope that will resolve things, but it may hinder me some in getting the next book out as soon as I hope to as well. I have been told that people can’t pray for you if they don’t know of the need, so I thought it was a good time to let you know that your prayers ahead of this next surgery are welcomed. As always, I simply love hearing from and talking to my readers about the stories and characters. So I hope to hear from you as you read this next adventure for Alex and her loved ones. Thank you all for your continued support and love of the novels.
God Bless,


Filed under Books, General

Indie Author Day 2016

It was very nice to get together with other local indie authors for Indie Author Day 2016. I started out the day at the Evans branch of the Columbia County Library and ended things up at the main branch of the Augusta-Richmond County Library.  Thanks are in order to Natalie Gibson in Evans and Cheryl Corbin in Augusta for coordinating the day’s activities.


Photo with indie authors including Hildie McQueen, Jessica Hawke/JD Monroe, Bryce Gibson, Carl Pritzkat from Publisher’s Weekly, Lincoln Crisler, Angela Kay, Mary Anne Edwards, Cheryl Corbin

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5 Questions with Natalie D. Wilson — I was just thinking…….

What role did books play in your early life? I grew up in a middle class family. We didn’t have everything we wanted but we always had books. My mother enrolled me in a book-of-the-month club at an early age and the monthly delivery was very much a highlight of my young life. Once I […]

via 5 Questions with Natalie D. Wilson — I was just thinking…….

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