Monthly Archives: September 2017

A Special Message For My Readers

Hello, dear readers and friends. I know it’s been some time since I’ve last posted a message to you all, nor have I given you an update on future release dates for the upcoming Nephilim novels. Honestly, I was hesitant to do so until Will and I had a clear picture of my heart health after my second surgery last fall. We were trying to give my heart time to heal, and I was truthfully enjoying time just being with him, which meant that my writing slowed down significantly. In other words, I put Will and my health first, so writing took a back seat for a little while. As many of you already know, I work as a full-time media specialist with young students. This means writing happens most often for me in the evenings after work. Because of my health challenges, many evenings are spent resting from the day’s hectic schedule, and that was initially a tough adjustment for this writer.

Now we know our upcoming path and what lies before us to secure my health, so I knew it was time to give everyone an update. And thanks to your loving comments and requests for more stories, I didn’t want to leave you all in need of information that I can now, thankfully, provide.

Late last year, I decided to overcome my reluctance regarding discussing personal information, and I admitted that I was in need of prayer due to a heart issue that I had been battling for several years. I received nothing but positive, loving messages from everyone and I knew I was on many a prayer list, which soothed my soul more than I can say. As things came to a head, surgery seemed our only option to stop the struggle my heart was enduring. So, we proceeded – with two separate procedures over the last two years – but, regrettably, those surgeries did not solve the problem. My doctors recently conferred and decided that I needed to be in the hands of a heart surgeon who specializes in the hard to treat cases, though he is some distance away from us. Will and I were grateful for their willingness to place us in this doctor’s care, and we honestly laughed, because if you know anything about me, you know that if anything weird or uncommon can happen to a person, it’s going to happen to me. I thank God every day that I have a loving husband who can laugh with me when things might otherwise look dire. His humor helps to keep me moving forward.

So, at present, I am now five weeks away from a third surgery. Will and I have the utmost faith that this will be the final step necessary to stop my heart’s struggle and calm the storm it’s currently enduring far too frequently. Again, I ask for your prayers, your faith, and your hugs from afar – not just for me, but for Will and my family, too. We will overcome this, I have all faith.

Now to the Nephilim stories. First and foremost – thank you all for loving my characters as much as I love them. After spending five years of my life with them, I feel as though Alexandria, Gaius, Rohan, Jack, Lord Groaban and the others are as real as any other person you meet on the street. Each character has a story to tell, and I am by no means through telling them. I have penned roughly three hundred typed pages of book 9 thus far. It is my hope that after my upcoming surgery, I will be able to return to writing within a month. If so, then I perhaps book 9 will be in your hands next spring. If not, then I’ll aim for summer.

All along, I’ve known that Alex’s journey will end with book 10. I know what happens in the last scene on the last page, and we’re closing in on that final chapter for Alex. But, thankfully, there are other Nephilim who need their stories fleshed out so I will admit that I see a novel featuring Ahadi and, yes, one for Than, who I love every bit as much as our Nephilim of the Light. I love Than’s journey and his struggle for redemption, and I have a wonderful story in mind for him. You will see Alex, Gaius, Jack and the others interwoven in Ahadi’s and Than’s stories, much in the same way you did in Rohan’s Choice. I can’t wait to share them with you.

So, for now, know that there is indeed more to come. Pray for me as I pray for us all, and stick with me friends. There is so much ahead!

God Bless,

Natalie D. Wilson


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